film festival

Third edition 08 t/m 12
nov 2017

InScience16 Zondag Awarduitreiking – (c)Jimmy Israel-17

Wanted: Student Jury

InScience is looking for student jury members! Would you like to be part of a young group of jury members at the third edition of InScience Dutch International Science Film Festival? Apply now and maybe you will be one of the lucky few to take a seat in the jury of InScience’s Student Jury.

what do we expect of you?

Along with four other students, you will be part of the Student Jury. During the festival, you will follow a special route with films of this year’s selection and afterwards you choose the winning film with your fellow jury members. On the last day of the festival, you will actually award the prize to the winning film.

inscience offers you

  • A chance to immerse yourself in the judgement of films.
  • A training by an expert and good guidance.
  • Full accreditation to the festival program.
  • And an InScience T-shirt.

sign up

Are you registered at a University, HBO- or MBO institution in Gelderland? Do you love science, art, and film and are you available from November 8th until November 12th? Sign up before 30 September via this form